Saturday, November 13, 2010


My mom has silky black hair. When I was a little girl I would take her bright banana yellow hair brush and sit behind her in her brass king sized bed and spend hours brushing and "styling" her hair. I was with her when she got her first grays, and when she got those grays died black (sorry for selling you out mom!- to be fair, she doesn't need any color and I have as many grays as she does now!). I remember her getting her hair done on my brother's wedding day, getting a stylish new cut at the beginning of each school year, and most recently, sitting together getting our hair done for my wedding day.

In a few weeks my mom will not have hair on her head. This has perhaps been one of the most emotional aspects of learning of her diagnosis. At first it seems a bit superficial, but losing her hair says "I have cancer," it betrays the tumor inside of her. BUT- it also tells the world- I am FIGHTING cancer, I am on the ROAD TO RECOVERY.

I had asked mom if she wanted me to go with her to get her hair cut short or shaved prior to it falling out. She declined my offer several times, but yesterday a nurse in her oncologist's office also suggested a short new do to ease the emotional impact. My mom went this morning to get her hair cut short. I had to judge a mock trial competition and work this afternoon so did not go with her. I HATE I wasn't with her, and wish I had known earlier in the week.

But, I will see her tomorrow and am sure she will look wonderful in her new pixie cut. I am SO PROUD of her for taking control of this aspect of fight--going ahead and cutting her hair off before the drugs take it from her. If she gives me permission, I'll post pics of her new do. ;) That being said, even though the yellow hair brush has been long retired (although I am pretty sure mom still has it hidden in the back of a bathroom drawer), I look forward to the day when I can brush her hair again.

This week mom takes steroids and has surgery scheduled Tuesday to get a port placed in her body to make it easier for her to receive the chemo. (I will work on my medical descriptions, please be patient with me). Pray for her doctors, that the surgery will go smoothly, and also for her attitude and spirit.  The past few weeks have been filled with doctor's appointment and she seems especially down this weekend.

Trying to cast our cares on Him.

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