Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Do Blondes Have More Fun? And an Update.

Well, unfortunately, I am not sure if I will ever find out if blonds have more fun, but back in November, when Mom picked out wigs, I did convince her to try on this beauty.  Although she can pull off the look,  she decided to go with her traditional brown/black.  Still, most of the time she wears hats and looks cute as a button.

Today Mom met with her oncologist, and he could not feel the tumor during his physical exam and thinks that she may only need 6 sessions of chemotherapy instead of the 8 that were originally scheduled. First, PRAISE GOD that her tumor is shrinking! Second, if she only has 6 sessions, she could feasibly be finished with chemotherapy by the end of this month! Yahooo! Please pray that her tumor continues to shrink and that she will finish treatment soon!

Dad is also doing well.  After further testing, looks like transverse myelitis is Dad's official diagnosis. The tests for the neuro-myelitis optica came back negative. This past weekend we were shocked to see him moving his legs- huge improvement from a month ago. He has also taken 3 small steps using the parallel bars during pysical therapy. While his brain can communicate to his legs to move, he still cannot tell whether or not they are moving-- i.e. he can wiggle his toes, but cannot tell that they are wiggling. He is still a long way off from walking independently or with the assistance of  a walker, but we are excited about these improvements and try to remind Dad of how far he has come.

I will update again soon as mom has chemo Thursday and I will see Dad then too.


  1. Hurrah! So glad to hear good news about both of them, Ashley!

  2. great news and once your mom is well i want her to get that blonde wig and get me one and perhaps we can go somewhere incognito and get into a bit of trouble!!!!
    please let me know if i can do anything this week- is there something your dad would like at the hospital- books, magazines, etc? georgianne

  3. This is going to be a good spring for the White's! I can feel it. Love and prayers to you. Sarah R.
