Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Bit of a Breather

The past week has been pretty relaxing. Mom has felt pretty well, despite her white blood cells being at their lowest point Thursday through Sunday (days 7-10 after chemo). She even drove down to Columbia  this weekend to celebrate Drew's birthday (which was yesterday). Drew's parents came too and we had a nice dinner.

Drew has been such a support to all of us the past few weeks. He is always able to encourage mom, and helps me to stay positive. Incredibly thankful for my husband! Happy Birthday Dude- hope you shot a lot of ducks this morning!

This  is the firsy stretch in nearly a month where mom doesn't have every other day doctor's appointments (we thought she wouldn't have to go at all, but she did have to get her port checked out).  We are all welcoming the breather :). Mom did have to meet with a representative from her insurance company...I guess so the rep could make sure mom was really sick. Exactly what she needed ;). Oh well...

Although she has been feeling better physically, giving up work has been more difficult for mom than she imagined. She misses her students, and the other teachers from the school. But after missing so much work last year with her hip, she didn't feel like it was in her student's best interest to only be in the classroom sporadically.

Now, we are all excited to celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will miss Drew's sister Kelly, who is in China, and both Big Daddy and Granddaddy will be on our minds. However, looking forward to Miss Sophia's first Turkey Day, and to my first Thanksgiving as a Creech.

Thanks for continued prayers! Mom has a second round of chemo next week, so look for an update then. :)

1 comment:

  1. First off, I love that my brother likes celebrating his birthday duck hunting.

    And I'm glad you're mom got a quick breather!! Please send her my love!

    I hope you enjoyed your first Creech Thanksgiving! :-D Sad I missed out though.
