Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Mom Has Cancer

On October 26, 2010, I had just finished up a long day at work. Was feeling excited about the upcoming Halloween weekend, and glad that we had gotten a good result for a client during mediation that day. I was leaving the mediator's office when my phone rang--it was mom. I picked up to tell her I'd call her right back, but I immediately knew something was wrong. She had been to her family practioner for a check up, and mentioned she had felt something hard in her stomach. The doctor said he felt an abdominal mass, and scheduled a CT Scan for the next day. He rushed the results, and I met mom to get the results on Wednesday---CANCER.

That one word turned my world upside down. My mom is truly my best friend and the thought of her being sick, of potentially losing her, shook me to the core.

After nearly two weeks of tests, doctor's visits, tears, and prayer, mom got her official diagnosis-- Beta cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, stage 3.

Mom started chemotherapy today. I wanted so badly to be with her, but Drew's grandfather (his other grandfather passed away a few weeks earlier), and we went to his funeral services. The service was lovely, and Dad was able to sit with Mom. 

The past 12 months have been some of the best of our lives---Drew and I got engaged and married, John and Bianca had a sweet baby girl, and our family spent a lot of time together. But, they have also had many challenges---mom was hit by a cab in NYC- i mean WHO does that happen too? And, has had a long road to recovery, Drew has lost two grandfathers, and now this.

I am starting this blog as a way to keep close family and friends updated on Mom's progress, and selfishly, to process my own feelings/struggles through the journal we are about to take.

Mom is a fighter, and as one of my good friends told me- God has a lot of trust in her faith and will see her through this battle.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Ashley! You and Mama White are in my thoughts and prayers. Remember, Shelby loves you.
