Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cycle 2

Just a quick update, with pics to (hopefully) follow this weekend.

Mom had chemo today and I was able to go with her. The treatment lasted from about 9:30 in the morning until about 3:30 in the afternoon. She did SO GREAT. She watched movies, slept, or read the whole time. If you know someone going through chemo- tech it up! Makes the time go so much faster. Everyone sits around a huge room. Some folks stay for hours, others a few minutes.

It  was so facinating to see how cancer brings together all of these strangers from different walks of life.. You don't know the person's story, but the patients connected with each other- if only because of this shared experience. In our little corner (throughout the day) we had a lady who was finishing up treatment for breast cancer, a minister with pancreatic cancer, 2 elderly gentlemen, and  a man in his early thirties.  The breast cancer survivor got to ring a bell because it was her last treatment. Shortly after the bell ring, another lady rushed by our seats to the restroom where she got sick. She was crying, and obviously felt horrible- BUT after a sprite with ice and some nasea meds, she got ready to leave and the bell rang again. It was her last treatment. Once again so weird how the TREATMENT for this disease takes so much from the patient, but GIVES them so much as well. She looked sick because of the chemo, but got to ring the bell and no longer had cancer because of the chemo.  I tell you- it was the best music to hear those bells ring. I know one day mom will be ringing it.

Pray that mom handles the chemo as well this cycle as she did the last time. She gets her white blood cell booster tomorrow and then has labs next week.

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