Sunday, January 16, 2011

Plugging Along

This week Dad moved to in-patient rehabilitation. Monday he had surgery to get a port placed into his chest to allow the doctors to administer the apherisis. Now both mom and dad have ports- and "bump ports" when she leans over to kiss him goodbye. He has had several apherisis treatments, and we can see some improvement. He is now able to use his quads and can lift his legs a little bit. Dad also began phyiscal and occupational therapy this week, and is learning how to sit up- his movement is limited from his upper torso down so his body has to relearn how to balance. I feel like God is going to allow Dad to walk again- it may be a long journey, but we are all optimistic that he will continue to improve. Keep praying!

Mom had her fourth round of chemotherapy Thursday. She handled it well, but is much more tired than she has been.  Friday morning her primary care physician called to let us know that after re-reviewing the x-ray of her ankle, he thought there was a small fracture. So, I stayed in Spartanburg to get her to her folllow-up doctor's appointments. She will get a walking bootie tomorrow. I am so glad I ended up staying because yesterday  mom  was upstairs in her bedroom when we heard a crash. Mom's blood pressure had dropped, causing her to pass out. A few phone calls to her doctor and to the hospital we went.  Mom was dehydrated and after two bags of fluid, her blood pressure got back up to normal. My uncle came up to stay the night with her so I could get back to Columbia to tend to business. Mom will go back today for more fluids and some bloodwork.

Mom has been so strong the past few weeks and handle her treatment so well, it is easy to forget how fragile she is. This weekend, I got that reminder. I also realized that I still have a learning curve in dealing with all of this---I was with mom  Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and didn't notice she wasn't eating or drinking enough. Um...Fail. But, trust me when I say that her fridge will now be well-stocked with gatorade, soft drinks, and juices!

When I got ot Columbia, one of my bestest friends (and former roomate) Courtney, was waiting for me.  I was so excited to see that she brought Herbie-love's very own Anna Nicole Smith- her pit bull  Bella. Bella and Herbie were such unlikely friends, but they really loved each other and seeing Bella made me miss my pup. I have already gotten tons of Bella snuggles and kisses and I cannot wait for Jake to meet her!  (Drew took Jake  to Moncks Corner for the weekend to see his family and get some hunting in --so glad he could get some time to himself. That being said- very ready to see both of my guys!).

                                                              Bella Road-tripping

Courtney and I met several friends for a late dinner (thanks for waiting guys!), and just had a wonderful time. I haven't been out with friends in such a long time and it was SO good to catch up with everyone. I really have no idea where I would be without my friends throughout this process. There really is something to be said for laughing, crying, and just BEING with friends. Exactly what I needed.

This week, my goal is to try to get back into some sort of normal/schedule and routine. Mom and Dad still need a good deal of support, and it is hard to figure out the balance with keeping up my life in Columbia and being there for them. At times it is plain overwhelming.  Prayers in that regard are appreciated!

Thanks for checking in.

1 comment:

  1. Sending prayers and blessings for all of your family, Ashley. Thanks for the update. Say hello to your mom:-)
