Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happier New Year

Well, last year Dad and I spent NYE in NYC with mom after she was hit by a cab (an entire other story). We actually walked to the outskirts of Times Square after leaving the hospital. This was dad's idea as big crowds freak me out. But he was loving it.

This year, I spent NYE with Drew, Mom, and sweet friend Jessica after leaving the hospital visiting Dad.

New Years Eve is NOT my favorite holidy. Although, I was happy to be able to kiss my husband at midnight, at which point we promptly went to bed.  We are cool like that.

Dad has pretty much remained the same with no change in his ability to move. The doctors are still confused as to what has caused this. He had another MRI and additional tests. They have thrown around everything from Polio to West Nile Virus, although Transverse Myelitis is still their best guess.

Thankfully, my dad is extremely even tempered and easy going. He has remained positive and his spirits are good.  We are very thankful for the nurses and technicians who have taken good care of him. One technician is especially charasmatic-always making jokes---  Gotta love some neurology humor- "alright John, hop out of bed and get into the shower." HILAR.  I think he is a bit different from many of the neuro patients that have long term stays as he is familiar with medical terminology and cognitively fine, so he has been keeping the nurses on their toes.

All the football games have helped him pass time this weekend as have several rounds of "Scrabble Flash."

Mom seems to be doing well, although she did fall yesterday morning and seems to have sprained her ankle. We are waiting until Monday for her to head to the doctor as she doesn't want to go to the ER and she is getting around ok with an ankle brace and crutch. She had a slight fever last night, but thankfully it stayed below the danger level of 100.5.

Drew and I are still trying to figure out how to handle work, visiting the hospital, helping mom out, etc. We are very thankful for the family and friends who have offered help and believe me when I say, you very well may hear from us! We are very humbled though to have so many people in our lives calling to check in, offering to come and help, reminding me to shower (Courtney and Faith- Drew says thanks),  dropping everything and visiting the hospital (my close childhood friend Jessica was planning on relaxing during her Christmas vacation from Indiana, but she has been right there, getting ice packs, drinks, fluffing pillows, and taking notes). We feel very LOVED right now. Also, thank everyone for their prayers- we feel them. Keep em' coming and  please let us know how we can pray for you.

Drew and I are back in Columbia for a night (maybe 2). My uncle is coming up to stay at the house and check in on dad so I can pack more clothes and figure out plans for the next week.

 The next few weeks will bring lots of questions and I think it will take some time to make a plan--trying to trust God and be present (thanks Jessica for the advice) in the moment.

Happy New Year! We are hoping ours provides a little less material for bad country songs or Lifetime movies.

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